The advantages of the service voucher
Benefits for all
The service voucher allows you to call for help for various household chores in your home . Thanks to government subsidies, the amount to be paid per service voucher is only € 9 .
Each individual can buy up to 500 service vouchers per calendar year, the first 400 at the price of € 9 and the last 100 at the price of € 10. Advantageous prices for carrying out your household chores!
In addition, when you use paper or electronic service vouchers , you are granted a tax reduction.
Married or legally cohabiting partners are both entitled to the tax reduction for the service vouchers they buy in their own name. The annual order volumes are valid per year and per partner. Therefore, both partners must each have a user number at Sodexo.
Discover the advantages of service vouchers for young mothers , single-parent families or even people with disabilities .

Benefits for single-parent families
By completing a Single-parent Family Honor Declaration, single-parent families can order up to 2,000 service vouchers per year.
By sending a copy, with supporting documents, to your Region.
Another copy (the original) must be sent without vouchers Sodexo.

Benefits for the elderly and people with disabilities
Are you an elderly person receiving an allowance for assistance to the elderly? You can therefore order up to 2,000 service vouchers at € 9 per year .
The same is true for disabled users or with a dependent disabled child.

Benefits for young mothers and self-employed professionals
Professionally active women can benefit from maternity assistance. This assistance is granted through mutual societies and varies according to the organization with which you are affiliated.
If you are self-employed, you can benefit from maternity assistance. This is aid in the form of 105 service vouchers, which is granted through social insurance funds.
20 years of experience as a licensed professional
350 housekeepers trained and supervised for you.
Nearly 10,000 customers already served
A rating of 4.4/5 on Google